JaVa Sc



My Thoughts On Our Earth

The Earth was once like this: 

The Sun was in the middle and due to gravity we were able to not fall "in" (inwards towards the sun...) Due to humanistic tendencies most likely the Earth imploded unto itself. 

The exterior consisted of entire different galactic organisms hence explaining dinosaurs. 
The implosion caused the sun to become our current Earth's core also explaining where diamonds come from. Diamonds are the remainders of the sun from the past. This also explains why certain rocks have healing properties.
Our current world is based on symbolic properties. This all explains the big bang theory as well because it took the complete outside of the impact to back to the inside (referring to Earth's outer shell) to give use the oxygen that we now are staying alive from. 



VH1 inspiration

At least by the very most
By the very most at least
All of this talk and education are to take for you and I
By the most so by the least.
Look up that slang; quite absurd yet not, not for me the very least.
(inspired by VH1 Love and Hip Hop Atlanta)
April 2015 Clarissa van Vreden

Make Belief (Fairytale type of ideology) called: For instance
Whilst I was in proposition I couldn't consider
Who'm may be believing such idioms.
He said to me these words and we have been married for years, words that complied but infuriated nothing other than disbelief.
I hadn't need do something nor anything other than this:
As my husband yet as my playwright, I won't walk in disbelief but lingering words of yours either.
Whatever all of you say don't care to I so much at all yet his breaths and synonyms are indeed being carried by the wind.
- April 2015

Quiet Poetry

Find The Fury In The Shine
Times to times in moments prizing
thoughts that dance for now are rising
what was woken
what was choked
in rough times are only enterprising
Dance with the sun or dance with the moon
theres only two together that helped wake you
come forth to hold, unto your lapse
so that you won't get caught in a dancing web! 
Make the tunes make the muse
make the moves to hold back unto.
In the hassle
grab the wit
take the hit
to walk passed,
towards the rainbow that so solemnly comes.

- June 2017


All we need is a world that breathes 
Off the same yeah medication 
Breath taken breath taken 

A muse for true a light in you, 
You cannot hide you 
Making me smile again for the wild babe, the wild again 

Believe in, believe in, 
You you you 

Can you find me 
Where sorrows hide? You know that felt beat that makes my mind
run down the river bends, realize it ain't a blend- but to fight for you. 

Blood rush 
Blood must 
Do what it need to 
What you want 
What you need 
Find in you believe you 

Tick tick 
Don't rush 
Pulse stays 
Full fate 
Don't hate 
Believe in you 

All we need is a world that breathes off the same yeah medication... 

Tick tock 
Don't rush 
Don't hush 
Speak deep 
Come down 
Come up 
Feel good 
Think in trust 

Tree- Reasons 



Color Theory


The colors on a monitor screen are seen as direct light. Colors of the physical world- of printed pages, objects, and the environment are seen as reflected light. Color is unstable. Every change in light or material has the potential to change the way a color is perceived and, in addition, individuals interpret the experience of color indifferent and personal ways. Color is sensed by the eye, but the perception of color takes place in the mind, and not necessarily at a conscious level. Surrounding colors have a powerful impact on the human body and mind, but most of the time they are experienced with an astonishing lack of awareness. Graphic colors (the colors of images: painted, drawn, printed or on-screen) are experienced on many levels; conscious and unconscious, sensory and intellectual, at the same time. Color can be used to communicate ideas and emotions, to manipulate perception, to create focus, to motivate and influence actions. Colors can be a visual expression of mood or emotion. Colors have physiological effects on the body. They can be chosen to stimulate, or to calm. They can be used to arouse a non-visual sense, instill unconscious motivation, alter behavior or induce mood. “Color responses are more tied to man’s emotions than to his intellect. In general, people do not respond to color with their minds.”- Deborah Sharpe. Colors can be visual codes that communicate ideas and feelings and influence the way ideas are presented. And like words, the meanings of colors can change, or be lost, or be replaced by new meanings over time. Color is a living language. For every individual the meaning of a color, or group of colors, is shaped by a hierarchy of outside forced: culture, spoken language, social status, setting, time, and individual life experience. Awareness of cultural differences in the semantics of color is critical to the successful marketing of any product or image destined for the global market. 
The decision to buy has as much to do with the purchaser’s perception of a product as it does with the product itself. An item may be purchased because it seems comfortingly familiar, or because it makes a fresh and positive impression at the point of sale. No matter how well-functioning a product may be, to succeed it must be both attractive and memorable. A great part of success in sales is a result of good looks. For consumers, color is the largest single factor in a decision of whether or not to make a purchase. Market research indicates that 90% of consumer purchases are the result of a deliberate search, and that only 10% of purchases are made on impulse. And of the planned purchases, 60% of the decision to buy involves color. 
According to Color Marketing Group, a professional color research organization, the use of color expands readership: color advertisement are read up to 42% more than similar ones in black and white, and color on a page both accelerates learning and increases comprehension. Colors increase brand recognition, which is crucial in a competitive market. 

Essay on light 

There’s more after the Moon

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