JaVa Sc


Work in progress

Welcome to Art Aspect

The name is Clarissa van Vreden - Artist in other words, Alice Asisistry
Born 12.12.1990 

Knows art is everything but nature. Though she does get inspired by, nature. She has painted so much that color combinations of her desires are easy, though pleasurable. Creation for her is a must, otherwise she becomes displeasingly tired. She loves writing, not just about her day but about the intricate detailing of: The humanities. Her new piano is becoming her love- Again and yet not again, as it is a new piano and she couldn't bring along with her to The Netherlands. Her secret is that she doesn't believe in mistakes because one not only learns from them but in art, one can literally paint over- and continue painting. Art is definetely her passion in life, and she could not imagine life without creating and being a part of it... Feel totally welcome to her creations as she wants nothing more but to share and have you be a part of it.

Scratch shows

The non-finishes of the laughing man head attached to the female horse body

Funny. Why? Due to the first thought of 1. Man laughs in Woman 2. Woman's' body turns into animal ha-ha

(Alright folks you don't know me but I just want to say that I find it awesome when a Man can laugh in me because laughter is not contagious it is fluruous and when I then think of the actuality of man head in me laughing I think of Sagittarius though not at firstly, at firstly I think of the hilariousness after-behind the figure.)

Piece title: Would you call it Science?

December 4th, 2019

Retract what you like, well ~ Of course! Cheers!
- Clarissa van Vreden (given name which I accept fully but I chose my artist name as Alice Asisistry)

2020 works:


Title: The Girl
Description: Girl enjoying life. Appearance of the girl's expression left up to the reader.
Dimensions: 40cm by 30cm

Title: Darkness 
Description: The paint of how darkness appears. Emphasis on precision contrast. 
Dimensions: 40cm by 50cm

Title: Vitality 
Description: As it explains itself; Vitality. 
Dimensions: Each piece; 40cm by 30cm

Title: The Money Man 
Description: To bring good fortunes. The money man. 
Dimensions: 80cm by 60cm

Title: Wijn Zijn Alles 
Description: We are everything, with aroma written in dutch. Translated over to Wine are everything, wine is a close word for "we." 
Dimensions: 50cm by 50cm


                                              some sold works

- Headshot from my modeling shoot in Holland by Martin Janssen 
edited by me

- Outfit made by me, photographed by Mr. Janssen

There’s more after the Moon

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in terms of posting on the internet  I have reason to believe that people want to take it use it by lending it and have it deleted to make i...